Ben Dolan

for Minnesota House of Representatives



To grow our local communities we must provide opportunities to the workers and employers through improvement training for the available and upcoming jobs. We will need to work with  our high schools, colleges, employers and local governments to make this a reality. Job training is the key to our success, through apprenticeships, classroom and computer based trainings.

The low unemployment rate does not tell the whole story. Many of our friends and neighbors are working many hours. Some work 2-3 jobs just to survive and provide for their families. It is crucial  to the future of our rural area to have jobs, benefits and daycare that support families thriving together. Families are an essential  cornerstone of our rural Minnesota.

Another aspect  we overlook is the mental health of the citizens of our nation and rural area. There are many people who want to work, but whether it be addiction or mental health issues, our community struggles with lack of resources. I firmly believe if we invest more into mental health resources and treatment we not only can do what’s compassionate, but what’s economically savvy to get people back to work. Let’s end the stigma together. We all do better when we all do better in our community.

Paid for by the Benjamin Dolan for house campaign